Posted on: August 16, 2022 Posted by: Karan Hans Comments: 0

How long does it take for pepper spray to wear off?

As the research goes on this topic, it is said that the pepper spray effect can last up to 30 to 120 minutes depending upon the distance from which it is being sprayed.

Most pepper sprays are made up of Oleoresin of Capsicum (OC) which is a heating agent which causes inflammation and burning sensations.

It can take up to more than 2 hours to completely wear off from your eyes and mouth but the intense effect only remains for up to 30 – 40 minutes.

That’s why its is important to learn how to use it safely.

take pepper spray

Here’s what happens, if sprayed directly on the face:

  • First 20 seconds: Mild Burning sensations. Like getting a pinch of dust in the eyes. Kind of annoying but mainly meaningless. A bit of coughing as it gets into your mouth.
  • 20 seconds – 10 minutes: Eyes can get quite a bit of pain now. Coughing a lot more and difficulty seeing.
  • 10 minutes – 30 minutes: Incredible pain and you can barely see because of flushing all the tears. Very difficult to breathe.
  • 30 minutes – 1 hour: Burning sensation all over the face, Skin will get incredibly sensitive to light and heat. Skin will be in searing pain all the time but you simply could not breathe at all lying on your back. It will continue to spread across your face, neck, shoulders, back, and arms it all can be burning. 
  • 1 hour – onwards: pain will recede slowly, little by little. Showering can make pain bearable. You might not get comfortable that night. But when you wake up the next morning, the pain would be largely gone.

Although you might face any other issues related to lungs or nose on that day in particular and its effect will get off within 2 to 3 hours completely. 

We can safely say that it creates dysfunction for a short period but there is no evidence and have neither seen in any of the cases that it can cause any permanent loss to your eyes, lungs, face or any other body part.

If you are looking for a best Pepper Spray to buy online you can Click Here to See Result for Best Pepper Spray for Women.

You can browse and choose from a wide assortment of Pepper Spray online for men and women on BESAFE Forever Store

These are also available on and

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